
Showing posts from May, 2017


Please follow the link below and watch this TED talk about data. Then prepare to answer the questions below in class. Ted Talk   How did you feel about this talk? How important are visual representations in data? Is data reality? How can you avoid distorted data?  Has data ever failed you? How important are human stories in data? Is technology a necessity in data collection? Can we use data to become more humane?    Before class prepare a short talk about how you collect and use data.

Funding for Medical Research

  Please follow the link to the TED TALK below and answer these questions: What was your impression of the talk? Were you convinced by his ideas? What are the difficulties in creating new cancer drugs? Why do a third of all new drugs not pass testing for toxicity? Do you think using the capital markets is a good way to fund medical research? Ted Talk Now please choose a title from below and make a small presentation for class: Using capital markets is good for medical research. Using capital markets is bad for medical research. Using capital markets in non-medical research. The role of government funding in academic research. The role of the market place in academic research. Traditional forms of academic research funding.