
Showing posts from September, 2018

Positive Psychology

What is your impression of this seventeen-year old's talk? How could she improve it? Is she special or could any seventeen-year-old student create a Tedx talk? When is the best age to start giving talks? In your own words, explain her message.  If you were going to give a Tedx talk what would it be about? Create a talk about that subject for class, it should be about ten minutes long. Bonus Video  

Body Language

What did you learn from this video? Did you enjoy this video? Why or why not? Roughly how much of the presenter's English did you understand? How important do you think body language is? Do you think that we can control our body language? Why do you think I chose this video? Bonus Video

Multilingualism and Linguistic Bias

Please watch the video and make a talk about it. Explaining the ideas in the video and giving your opinions. Also, think of some questions to ask me.  Bonus Video  


Before class please watch the video and make a presentation for class. In the presentation, you need to: describe the video; give your opinions about the content; talk about your feelings about how the research was carried out, and explain how you use self-control . Also, make a list of words or phrases you didn't understand and bring it to class. Bonus Video

University entrance exam reforms

Please follow the link below and read the article. Then prepare a talk about it for class. You should talk about the writer's opinions and also give your own. Entrance exam reforms Bonus video: