
Showing posts from April, 2018


Before class please watch the video and answer the questions below. How did you rate this video? What is your perceived singing skill?  Do you have a superpower? Do you go to karaoke? What songs make you happy? What are your sad songs? What percentage of the population is tone-deaf?  Are you tone-deaf? Is singing instinctual and necessary? How does singing help brain injured people to speak again? Do you think that singing can wake someone from a coma? Why do you think that premature babies respond to music?  Now think of some questions to ask me.

Do we need Prisons?

Before class please watch the video and answer the questions. How do you rate this video? Can you imagine a world without prisons? What is restorative justice? What is a space of refuge? How many people are incarcerated in Japan? Why does visualisation work? But why is it not enough? Why is the space important? Why do you think that between 60 to 75 percent of ex-prisoners cannot find work? What are your views about restorative economics? What is a village on wheels? Prepare a short talk about the justice and prison systems in Japan, then think of some questions to ask me about the British systems.