
Showing posts from November, 2017


Do you think that working in a group is an effective way to come to good and balanced decisions? Please follow the link below to this weeks TEDtalk. TEDtalk Now please create a three minute talk about this video, answer the questions below and think of five questions to ask me in class about the video. How do you rate this video? Do you often work in groups? Are there any downsides to working in a group? Does a group need a leader? What do these researchers need to do in the future?

Clean Drinking Water

Before class watch the video below and prepare a three-minute presentation about the video. Then answer the questions. How do you rate this video? Do you drink tap water or bottled water? Is Japan's tap water safe to drink? Would you have drunk the cleaned water in the video? Should countries like Japan, America or the United Kingdom subsidize this technology for third world countries? Why or why not? Except for Japan, which countries water do you believe is safe to drink?