
Showing posts from February, 2019

Climate Change

Please watch the video. Make a presentation about it. Think of five questions to ask me about climate change. Make a short presentation about your ideas for climate change action.

Slow-Motion Multitasking

Please watch the video and answer the questions Do you multitask? Do you think creative people use slow-motion multitasking? Would you like to continue publishing papers for the rest of your life? How often do you switch topics? Do you believe you can cross-train your brain? Do you think that slow-motion multitasking can stop you from being stuck? Is being stuck an opportunity to do something else? How can you stop being overwhelmed by multitasks?   英語の冠詞はちょっと難しいけど、大切な事なので、勉強しましょう。 今朝、珈琲館に行った。その珈琲館で美味しい朝御飯を食べた。英語で、 This morning I went to a coffee shop. I ate a delicious breakfast there. 通常の文法では「Coffeeshop」は数えられる名詞なので 、最初「a/an」を使う。その後、「the」を使う。 生徒たちは僕の事をよく知っているので、みんな「ジョンは上島珈 琲に行った」と推測すると思う。そういった場合「This morning I went to the coffee shop. I ate a delicious breakfast there」の方が文法的に良い。理由は、聞き手と話し手の間で 、すでに店が特定されているからです。また、 話し手である自分にとって大切な場合も、最初から「the」 を使います。例えば、銀行、病院、駅とか郵便局。 I went to the bank I need to go to the hospital Every day, I go to the station. I have to go...