Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument
Please watch the video below and answer the questions.
- How did you feel about this video?
- How do you feel when you listen to music?
- While doing certain tasks, such as reading or drawing, certain areas of your brain are active. But when listening to music multiple areas are active, why do you think this happens?
- If you play a musical instrument there is even more and stronger brain activity. What is the difference between playing and listening to music?
- Do you think disciplined structure is needed in practising and playing instruments for good results for the brain?
- Why is playing a musical instrument good for your memory?
- Are music classes for both appreciation and practise an important part of primary and secondary education?
- Music is often used in English classes for children in Japan. Could music have a role in adult classes too? If so how?
- Please prepare a short talk about how music touches your life.
- Please think of five questions to ask me about music.
自分の意見を述べなければ、討論は出来ません。だから、このレッスンで意見を述べる練習をしましょう。たいてい日本人は、英語で意見を述べる時「I think...」と言いますが、
1. 「For what it is worth I think... 」は謙虚な言葉です。自分の意見より相手の意見の方が価値があると思う時に使います。
2. 「It seems to me...」は丁寧な言葉です。自分の知っている事からの意見ですが、 相手は自分が知らない事をもっと知っていると思う時に使います。
3. 「I think...」はちょっと強くて、ニュアンスがありません。
4. 「In my opinion...」は強いけど、 他の人の意見を聞きたい時使います。
5. 「As far as I am concerned... 」はとても強くて、他の人の意見は聞く気がありません。
2. 「It seems to me...」は丁寧な言葉です。自分の知っている事からの意見ですが、
3. 「I think...」はちょっと強くて、ニュアンスがありません。
4. 「In my opinion...」は強いけど、
5. 「As far as I am concerned... 」はとても強くて、他の人の意見は聞く気がありません。
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