
Showing posts from February, 2018


Please watch the video before class and make a short presentation about it for class. Then think of ten questions to ask me about the video.   Ageing   It is eighteen years since I came to Japan. I was thirty-six years old and believed that I was at my mental and physical peak, but I thought the same when I was twenty. Now that I am nearly fifty-five years old, how have I aged mentally and physically? I feel that I am as sharp minded as I was when I was twenty, but I know it is because I use my brain.  Every day I practice Japanese, play chess and try to learn something new. There is an English saying "use it or lose it"; I use my brain so it stays sharp.  But physically I am not as fit as I was eighteen years ago, but that is more to do with lifestyle than ageing.  I could never be as fit as I was at twenty, but if I ate less, drank less and exercised more, I would be much healthier.  I think there is one wonderful aspect to ageing, the thirt...

Loving School

Please watch the video below and answer the questions Do you believe that generally children like school? Why or why not? Why do you think that classrooms have not changed much in seventy years? How would you set-up a classroom? Do you think teachers should release their power and make their classroom's more student centred? What are your thoughts about the "genius hour"? What is purposeful technology? Do you know of any project based applications for learning? What is your opinion about "cell phone hotels"? Should schools block You Tube? Why or why not? Does social media have a place in the classroom? How important are student's digital footprints for their life chances? How can the walls of a classroom be broken down? Prepare a short talk about a favourite teacher from your past and the classroom that they taught from. Think of five questions for me about my experiences in classrooms. 広告  私の生徒とエイセット英会話の生徒のために、このブログを作...

Powerpoint Presentations

Please watch the video and answer the questions How do you rate this video?  Have you ever been bored by someones powerpoint slides? If so, why?  Do you believe, if you give a badly designed powerpoint presentation, your audience will forget 90% of the content? Why or why not? What is your opinion of this Dr John Medina quote," If companies would have as little respect for business as they have for presentions, the majority would go bankrupt "? Why is one message per slide better than two or more? What is redundancy effect and how can it be avoided? How is size important in powerpoint slides? Why is the use of contrast good for your powerpoint slides? Why is white bad? What is the maximum amount of objects that should be on one slide?  How many slides are best for a good presentation?