
Please watch the video before class and make a short presentation about it for class. Then think of ten questions to ask me about the video.


 It is eighteen years since I came to Japan. I was thirty-six years old and believed that I was at my mental and physical peak, but I thought the same when I was twenty. Now that I am nearly fifty-five years old, how have I aged mentally and physically? I feel that I am as sharp minded as I was when I was twenty, but I know it is because I use my brain.  Every day I practice Japanese, play chess and try to learn something new. There is an English saying "use it or lose it"; I use my brain so it stays sharp. 
But physically I am not as fit as I was eighteen years ago, but that is more to do with lifestyle than ageing.  I could never be as fit as I was at twenty, but if I ate less, drank less and exercised more, I would be much healthier. 
I think there is one wonderful aspect to ageing, the thirty-six-year-old me, was much more mature, experienced and confident than the twenty-year-old. But the present me is the most mature, experienced and confident me, so far.

最近学生は大学で英語をよく使うので、英語を勉強したいが、個人レッスンは高いです。だから、大学生の場合グループレッスンの方がいいと思います。もし4人から6人までのグループを作ったら、メンバーが勉強したい英語を教えます。1人毎月4回で5000円です。場所はあなたのご希望の場所で出来ます。私の生徒はいろいろな人がいます。例えば、大学の先生はプレゼンテーション英語を練習します。イギリスの大学で勉強したい大学生は大切な試験「IELTS」を勉強します。1999年から日本で英語を教えています。興味があったら、連絡してください。 John Rowan


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