
  1. What do you think about this video?
  2. What did you learn from the video?
  3. Do you buy products that are on the right?
  4. What are your opinions about the "recency effect"?
  5. Could, asking yourself "what questions" be useful for you?
  6. Would you recommend other people to watch this video?
Some phrases from the video

  1. There is a ton of research on...  This phrase means there is a lot of good reseach about this subject.
  2. To say I was surprised, would be an understatement...  This means the adjective in the sentence has too weak a meaning.
  3. Mansplain    A man explaining something, typically to a woman, in a patronizing or condescending way.
  4. It dawned on me, that I should take my own advice. You suddenly understand that some good advice you give to others, you do not do yourself, but should.


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