How important is grammar?
Please watch the video and answer the questions
- Why do languages have grammar?
- What are the differences between prescriptive linguistics and descriptive linguistics?
- Is standard Japanese the true Japanese?
- What are the disadvantages of striving for perfect English grammar?
- What are the disadvantages of NOT striving for perfect English grammar?
- What kind of Native English speaker do you want to talk with?
- Can you tailor your English to speak to a variety of Native English speakers?
- How should your English teacher empower you to be successful in communicating in English?
- What are your experiences of communicating in Japanese with people from other countries?
- Can you understand a Japanese person's background by the Japanese they use?
私はイギリスのパブ、MAN IN THE MOON六角と一緒に新しいイベントを作っています。名前は「お喋りMEET UP」です。英語と日本語を話すイベントです。この楽しいイベントに来ませんか?
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