Japanese Work Culture

Please watch this American news broadcast about Japanese work culture.

  1. Is this good and true journalism?
  2. Do you think this is unbiased reporting?
  3. What would you change, add or remove from this broadcast?
  4. What are your opinions about Japanese work culture?
Think about the questions above and prepare a presentation for class.

Bonus Material

英語ではいろいろな火のイディオムがある。例えば「Breathe Fire」、火を吐く!意味は非常に怒っている。イギリスの龍は怖くて火を吐くので、もし誰かが「breathe fire〉をしたら、その人は龍のように怒っている。例えば、
“My mother was very kind, but sometimes she could breathe fire”.

「Fire in the belly」、お腹の中に火がある。意味はとても強く決める。例えば、
“He has a fire in his belly to pass the examination”
“I have a fire in my belly”はちょっと変。もし自分の事を話したら、"I am determined to pass the examination".

「Light a fire under someone」、誰かの下に火をともす。意味は誰かに熱心にやる気を与える。例えば、
At first, I was lazy at university, but my girlfriend lit a fire under me, so I started to study hard.

Bonus Video

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