- How did the video make you feel?
- What is happening in the video?
- Why do you think it is happening?
- Why do all cultures have music?
- How important is music for you?
- Is music good for our mental health?
- Is music good for our physical health?
- How important is music in education?
- Can you imagine a life without music?
- What is music?
Bonus Material
カレーとライスはよく似合うね。たいてい日本人は英語で「curry and rice match」と言うが、ネイティブスピーカーは他の表現を使う。一番自然は「curry and rice go well together」。服も大丈夫、例えば「Your shirt and tie go well together」。本当に自然な英語の表現だが、カップルの場合、「They go well together」より「They are a good match」の方が自然。
This hotels name made me laugh. I think most British people would laugh. In British English "cross" sometimes means a little angry. It is usually a word adults say to children. For example: "If you do not stop being noisy, I will get cross".
This hotels name made me laugh. I think most British people would laugh. In British English "cross" sometimes means a little angry. It is usually a word adults say to children. For example: "If you do not stop being noisy, I will get cross".
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