
Showing posts from January, 2019

University Life

Please watch the video and answer the questions What is your impression of Lancaster University? What surprised you about the university? How do you think British universities are different from Japanese ones? What facilities do you think students need at university? What kind of support do students need, while studying at university? What changes would you like to make at your university?  

Keeping Languages Alive

How many Celtic languages have you heard of?   Do you know any Celtic words or phrases? Before watching this video, did you consider Celtic languages to be: alive and flourishing; gradually dying out or dead? Do you think that speakers of Celtic languages use them as a first language or a second language? Do you think that those speakers would be completely bi-lingual in English and their Celtic language or would one language be stronger? Can technology help keep a language alive, by allowing it to evolve? Is it natural for languages to die out or should they be saved?  Bonus Material 


Please watch the video and make a presentation about it for class. 1999年に日本に来た。その時、僕は新しい英語の教師 。その上日本語が出来なかったので、「I had to sink or swim」!その表現の意味は、もし頑張らなかったら、 失敗するだろ。時々、新しい教師は船のように沈んだが、 たいてい新しい教師は泳げた。いろいろな状況にネイティ ブスピーカーは「sink or swim」を使う。例えば、試験を受ける、運転免許試験 を受ける、会社に入るとか外国で英語を使う。1999年 4月成田空港に 着いた。成田では元会社、NOVA英会 話の広告が多かった。理由はたくさんの日本人は国に帰っ た時、英語の能力に失望したので、英会話学校に入りたい 。その時NOVA英会話では「VOICE ROOM」があった。その部屋は教室じゃなくて、会話の 部屋だった。教室は安全な部屋だけど、失敗する可能性が あるので、生徒さんにとって 「VOICE ROOM」はちょっと怖かった。でも、もし「VOICE ROOM」でよく失敗したら、英語が上手になった。もし 外国に行って、英語を失敗したら、悲しい事は、日本で教 室以外、英語をよく使えない。去年から、僕はいろいろな 英語のイベントを作っている。今年も京都、神戸と名古屋 でたくさんのイベントを作るつもり。今年の最初のイベン トはインド料理のランチだが、人気があるので、完売した 。二番目のイベントは17日8時から京都のMan in the Moon六角店である。もし興味があったら、連絡してく ださい。

Reading English

At university, I studied educational psychology, but I am very sceptical about a lot of research, how much of that research ever makes a real difference in the classroom? In Britain, primary school starts at five years old and reading is the first priority.  My older brother and sister learned to read quickly, but I made no progress at all because the style of teaching had changed. My mother noticed this and she taught me to read. Without her help, I truly believe I would have been illiterate. But my writing skills lagged behind, luckily my history teacher (Graham Wigley) in secondary school, during his own time helped me improve. A large part of my work now is helping Japanese academics with their English writing and presentations, I could never have been able to do this without the help of my mother and history teacher, I am truly grateful to them. So literacy is a very important subject for me. Japanese people often tell me that reading English is difficult, but...