
Showing posts from November, 2018

What not to say

How do you rate this video by Gabby Wallace? What did you learn from this video? Do you think all native English speakers would agree with her? From seeing this video, would you like to see more of her videos? What do you like about her teaching style? How would you like her to change her teaching style? In your opinion, who is this video aimed at? For class write a presentation about six things that you think non-native Japanese speakers should not say or do during a conversation in Japanese. Bonus Material  ほとんどの日本人はお寿司が好き。もし英語でその文を話したら、たいてい日本人は「Almost Japanese people like sushi〉と言うが、英語でその文は意味がない。ネイティブスピーカーは「Almost  all  Japanese people like sushi」と言う。もし「 all 」がなかったら、意味もない。 JR電車以外、ほとんどの日本の電車は定刻。 Except for JR trains, almost  all  Japanese trains are on time. ほとんどの日本人は京都に行ったことがある。 Almost  all  Japanese people have been to Kyoto. ほとんどない場合、「no」が要る。例えば。 納豆が好きなイギリス人はほとんどない。 ...


How did the video make you feel? What is happening in the video? Why do you think it is happening? Why do all cultures have music? How important is music for you? Is music good for our mental health? Is music good for our physical health? How important is music in education? Can you imagine a life without music? What is music?  Bonus Material カレーとライスはよく似合うね。たいてい日本人は英語で「curry and rice match」と言うが、ネイティブスピーカーは他の表現を使う。一番自然は「curry and rice go well together」。服も大丈夫、例えば「Your shirt and tie go well together」。本当に自然な英語の表現だが、カップルの場合、「They go well together」より「They are a good match」の方が自然。 This hotels name made me laugh. I think most British people would laugh. In British English "cross" sometimes means a little angry. It is usually a word adults say to children. For example: "If you do not stop being noisy, I will get cross".  ____________ もし興味があったら、私のビデオを見てください。  

Are we in control of our decisions?

Please watch the video and make a presentation about it for class, including your opinions. Bonus Video

How important is grammar?

Please watch the video and answer the questions Why do languages have grammar? What are the differences between prescriptive linguistics and descriptive linguistics?  Is standard Japanese the true Japanese? What are the disadvantages of striving for perfect English grammar? What are the disadvantages of NOT striving for perfect English grammar? What kind of Native English speaker do you want to talk with? Can you tailor your English to speak to a variety of Native English speakers? How should your English teacher empower you to be successful in communicating in English? What are your experiences of communicating in Japanese with people from other countries? Can you understand a Japanese person's background by the Japanese they use?  私はイギリスのパブ、MAN IN THE MOON六角と一緒に新しいイベントを作っています。名前は「お喋りMEET UP」です。英語と日本語を話すイベントです。この楽しいイベントに来ませんか? 本当にいいチャンスです。 来てね!

Japanese Work Culture

Please watch this American news broadcast about Japanese work culture. Is this good and true journalism? Do you think this is unbiased reporting? What would you change, add or remove from this broadcast? What are your opinions about Japanese work culture? Think about the questions above and prepare a presentation for class. Bonus Material 英語ではいろいろな火のイディオムがある。例えば「Breathe Fire」、火を吐く!意味は非常に怒っている。イギリスの龍は怖くて火を吐くので、もし誰かが「breathe fire〉をしたら、その人は龍のように怒っている。例えば、 “My mother was very kind, but sometimes she could breathe fire”. 「Fire in the belly」、お腹の中に火がある。意味はとても強く決める。例えば、 “He has a fire in his belly to pass the examination” “I have a fire in my belly”はちょっと変。もし自分の事を話したら、"I am determined to pass the examination". 「Light a fire under someone」、誰かの下に火をともす。意味は誰かに熱心にやる気を与える。例えば、 At first, I was lazy at university, but my girlfriend lit a fire under me, so I started to study hard. Bonus Video お喋りMEET UPを知っていますか?